I’m sure you’re wondering where the name came from. My name is Jordan Faith Allen. In Hebrew, the name Jordan means “to flow down” So, my full name means “to flow down faith.” Hence, the name of my ministry and business “Faith Flow Photography” was created.


I have always had some interest in photography, but NEVER thought I would actually pursue it full-time. The first time I ever really remember picking up and playing with a camera was around 2012 when my dad who is always pursuing some business idea needed pictures for his newest venture: making and selling candles.

A few years later, my mom let me start playing with her Canon EOS Rebel T5 and I started taking pictures of anything I could. What started out as taking pictures of ornaments on the tree at Christmas slowly turned into convincing my friends & family into modeling for my crazy shoot ideas.

I realized my senior year of high school that photography may actually be something worth pursuing. At the time, I was apprenticing to become a midwife and the Lord showed me that was not what He had for my life. He called me to photography for ministry, birth, and so much more that He’s still opening opportunities for. Early 2022, my parents gifted me with Canon 5d Mark IV for my high school graduation and this is what I currently shoot on.

September 1, 2022. I was finally ready to transition into photography full-time and quit the job I had been for almost two years. I ended up working a few hours a week at our local coffee shop simply because I love coffee shops and I was able to run social media while employed there. A few months later my photography really took off so I OFFICIALLY started having it as my sole income and I’ve been so happy to get to do what I love!



Who am I outside of photography?

First and foremost, I am I follower of Jesus Christ. I first came to know Him at the age of 6, but I’ve had multiple times of rededicating my life to Him after seasons of trying to understand what it is I believe and WHY I believe it. I hope to grow in my spiritual walk more & more each day!

Most shocking fact about me is probably that I am the oldest of TEN kids. There is NEVER a dull moment in my house…

I am OBSESSED with coffee and local coffee shops! You can almost always find me at a coffee shop whether it’s to edit or simply meet a friend.

I love music! You never know what I’ll be listening to. My playlist in a day can range anywhere from Zach Bryan to Maverick City Music to Red Hot Chili Peppers to Jackson Johnson to NEEDTOBREATHE to Scrack…. It’s genuinely all over the place, but it keeps life interesting!!

Contact me

Now that you know a little about ME let me hear from YOU!!